Team on the Beach

BLT’s Cozumel Retreat Yields Exciting Initiatives

There are a lot of exciting things happening at BLT right now, but the highlight of the summer was our 2021 Company Retreat in Cozumel, Mexico. Typically, BLT holds a retreat every other year, but the 2020 trip was postponed due to the pandemic. As you can imagine, that made the entire team more excited … Continued
BLT Training Center Construction

New BLT Training Center

Course Calendar Sneak Peak at the New BLT Training Center While it may not look like much yet, we're excited to announce that our new BLT Training Center is under construction and will be ready soon. Our new facility will feature 2 spacious classrooms, 2 state-of-the-art live e-learning studios, and additional space for students on … Continued

BLT Expands Xilinx Training Region into West Virginia & Kentucky

Expansion of BLT’s Xilinx Training Area BLT is a Xilinx Authorized Training Provider (ATP) and has been teaching Xilinx classes throughout the US and in the Northeast region for more than a decade. BLT’s region has, until now, included Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, D.C. and Virginia. We’re proud to announce that our … Continued