Intel’s Programmable Logic Group Returns to the Name Altera

Last week, Intel unveiled a strategic move that will reshape the landscape of programmable logic. The Programmable Logic Group within Intel, which BLT partners with, is returning to the name Altera and spinning off as an independent company. This decision comes at a time when the demand for versatile, high-performance solutions is more critical than … Continued

What is AXI? 

Wondering what is AXI and how to use it in your designs? The task of moving data from place to place is not new. As designs get larger, transferring data reliably to between HDL modules cannot be underemphasized. The AXI interface aims to unify several use-cases of data transfers. Below is a general overview of … Continued
AMD Premier Partner

BLT Joins the Elite Ranks As an AMD Xilinx Premier Partner

In an exciting development for the FPGA industry, BLT, a leading engineering firm, was invited to join the AMD Xilinx Premier Partner status. This exclusive invitation places BLT among an elite group of premier partners. It solidifies our position as a top provider of cutting-edge engineering design services. This partnership with AMD Xilinx marks a … Continued
BLT Summit 2023

BLT Partners with AMD Xilinx to Host the 2023 Southeast Adaptive Computing Summit

BLT recently hosted our most exciting and ambitious event yet: the BLT 2023 Southeast Adaptive Computing Summit. This in-person conference discussed emerging technologies and solutions across the landscape of FGPAs and system-on-chip (SoCs) technologies and tools, including cutting-edge applications for RFSoCs and Versal Adaptive SoCs (previously known as Versal ACAPs). We were joined by AMD … Continued
Versal Adaptive SoC (ASoC)

Versal ACAP vs Versal Adaptive SoC

You may have heard the term Versal ACAP. Now, there’s Versal Adaptive SoC. What are they? What’s the difference? Let us explain. What is the Versal ACAP? In 2018, AMD Xilinx introduced the first adaptive compute acceleration platform, commonly known as an ACAP. The ACAP provides the robust functionality of an FPGA with adaptable programming … Continued
AMD- Xilinx Training

The State of BLT’s AMD – Xilinx Training – Fall 2022 Update

With AMD’s acquisition of Xilinx earlier this year, many of our Clients and prospective students have wondered what this means for BLT’s Xilinx training services. While the "State of Training" would typically come in February, we're presenting it now to update everyone on what's changed, what hasn't and where things are going. Xilinx training is … Continued
Attending Tech Shows 2022

Getting Out & About at High-Tech Shows

Industry trade shows and conventions are always an exciting chance to get out of the office and explore new applications for FPGA technologies. Plus, we get to meet new prospects and connect with old friends.  This March, BLT team members got to attend two events exploring new horizons in technology (literally and figuratively)—one in our … Continued