Bottom Line Name

BLT’s Name: What’s the Bottom Line?

We’re BLT. And That’s the Bottom Line. What’s in a name? Well, for a legal business entity, lots. So it’s important that we—and you, our Clients, partners and prospects—are clear about who BLT is. The Beginning: Bottom Line Technologies BLT was founded as Bottom Line Technologies, Inc. in 1989. Our president, Ed McCauley, held BLT … Continued
BLT Supports Local STEM at CARA Fest 2021

BLT Supports Local STEM at CARA Fest 2021

Hamming It Up at CARA Fest The Columbia Amateur Radio Association (CARA) held its annual convention, CARA Fest, earlier this October, and BLT was there in force, sponsoring a pavilion for local STEM organizations to show off and celebrate their passion for technology. Running for over 20 years, CARA Fest is a yearly gathering in … Continued