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A little bit about BLT Training

BLT is AMD Authorized Training Provider and has been teaching Xilinx (now AMD) training for over 25 years. We offer training online nationally. Our in-person training is offered in our exclusive Mid-Atlantic and Southeast training regions.

A Brief Training History

  • BLT was founded in 1989 by one of the original Xilinx FAEs.
  • BLT Training began in the 1990s, working with Xilinx as contract instructors.
  • BLT became a Xilinx Authorized Training Provider in 2008.
  • In late 2019, BLT underwent a complete update of its IT infrastructure to work remotely, and in early 2020 began teaching online.
  • In 2021, BLT relocated its headquarters to a larger 12,000 sq-ft facility, including multiple classrooms and online training facilities.
BLT Training - 2008

Our Infrastructure

  • BLT’s dedicated in-house facilities can host 5 simultaneous classes: 2 18-person training classrooms, a breakroom/lounge, outdoor patio, 2 online training studios and a 50-person training classroom. See Facilities.
  • BLT has a network of in-person training facilities in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast regions.
  • BLT offers online and in-person training.
  • BLT offers exclusive, custom courses, including Xilinx for Managers and Advanced Debugging.
  • BLT has more certified trainers than any other North American ATP.
  • All BLT Trainers receive rigorous certification testing for each and every class that they teach, including demonstrated expertise with the latest AMD Xilinx devices, tools and implementation techniques. This process typically takes over 6 months to complete.

The Pillars of BLT Online Training

Only $600/day online and in-person
Online classes guaranteed to run
Office hours to help with online setup
Multiple lab instructors for large classes

What Makes BLT Different?

  • US owned and operated.
  • We’re known as “The FPGA Experts.”
  • BLT is repeatedly and currently the top medium-sized ATP globally, per AMD Xilinx scorecard.
  • BLT trainers are also full-time engineers, bringing real-world experience with AMD Xilinx tools and devices into the classroom.
  • BLT is ITAR compliant.