Training FAQs
Are classes really only $600/day?
Yes, online classes are really just $600/day. To learn why, visit our Pricing page.
Does BLT offer a group discount on training?
At BLT’s low rate, less than other trainers, there is no group discount.
I am outside your region; can I still take your class?
In all probability, yes. If you are taking an online class, there are no restrictions and you can sign up. If you are taking an in-person training class, please contact BLT’s Training Team to make sure everything goes smoothly.
What time zone is BLT Training in?
ET (Eastern Time). However, if you have a private class you want to host, we will work with you on this (within reason). Please contact the BLT Training Team.
Since the price is less, am I also getting less?
Not at all. We offer world-class AMD Xilinx training at this price. In fact, we’re the #1 AMD ATP globally for FY2022, CY2022 and 2023.
Does BLT offer advanced (early bird) pricing?
No, we don’t offer advanced pricing.
Can I use training credits?
Yes! If you need help with your training credits, please contact the BLT Training Team.
Is in-person going away?
No. We offer in-person training throughout the Mid-Atlantic and the Southeast regions.
Where is in-person training held?
Private, in-person training can be held at your facility or at BLT’s Training Center at our headquarters in Columbia, MD.
Is there a limit to the number of courses I can take?
We don’t have any limits.
What happens if the class is full?
We have overflow options available. Please contact BLT’s Training Team.
What does full mean?
In order to provide the best training possible, we limit the class size based on the course and BLT’s commitment to a quality experience.
Is in-person the same price as online?
Yes! The in-person price at BLT is $600 per day.
What does always confirmed mean?
If you register, the class will run.
What does closed mean?
If there is no interest in a class, we will close a class a few days prior. This is to ensure our instructors have enough time to prepare. Classes with students in them are confirmed to run.
What if I need to cancel?
We will refund your payment or apply it to a future class.
AMD is offering a promotion, can I use that?
At BLT’s lower rate there are no discounts.
Are books still available?
Since the pandemic, books have been provided electronically. However, printed books are available for 2 Training Credits or $200 additional cost. You must contact BLT’s Training Team if you’re interested. Please note it takes at least 5 business days to ship it to you.
Can I just buy the book(s)?
No. The class is a combination of the book and instructor-provided content.
Do engineers teach the classes?
Our classes are taught by engineers who also work on BLT’s Design Services projects.
The class I want isn’t listed on the calendar. Can you add it for me?
Yes. We can add a class 6-10 weeks out to the calendar, depending on our available resources.